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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

How to place an order

You can select the products from our site and once submitted we will confirm your order through mail with final amount including postage and discounts if any present.

If there is a product that is not on the site,can you obtain it for me?

We are able to obtain many unlisted products at wholesale prices, e-mail us.

Are there any offers discounts for bulk purchase?

Yes! The discounts are determined by amount and product, e-mail to obtain the quote.

How do I determine the shipping costs?

Go through the ordering process, before you complete the order you may view the total invoice amount. We ship almostly everywhere . The shipping cost is determined by the weight of the parcel, you can track the package online

Shipping Cost Table(Approximately)

.01 --- 500grams........10£

500gm --- 1kg........12£

1- 2 kg........15£




6 kg........30£

7 kg........33£

How to pay

Once we receive your order we will mail you the amount and payment details

What if I don’t like anything received

You can always return the material before using it

Is there any guarantee

All the products sent are from international acclaimed brands so there wont be any problem. If at all anything arises we are always there to take care.

What if we want to know more about the products

All the products are clearly seen on the site if still any doubt you can always call on +91-9966058982 or whats app on the same number for immediate reply.